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Message From Robyn Griswold

Hey everyone! I have asked to share this message from the VP of Academic Affairs. 

Hello NCC Students!

My name is Robyn Griswold and I’m the Vice President of Academic Affairs at NCC. As we are all making the transition to online learning this week, I wanted to check in with everyone and pass along some important announcements to support your academic success in these challenging times.

1. As noted in the document, Adjusting your study habits during COVID-19: “Things may feel out-of-control right now. You may be facing a lot of unknowns and disruptions. Try to be patient with yourself, your classmates, and your instructors during this time. Take care of your well-being first. Making a plan and adjusting your studying may help you feel even a little sense of control.” I recommend you take a few minutes to read through more of this document by clicking here. You’ll find helpful strategies and links to resources for making a successful adjustment to online learning.

2. If you don’t do so already, please get in the habit of checking your student email account and logging into Canvas regularly. Your professors will be keeping in touch through email and posting announcements on Canvas, so it’s important for you to check in several times per week to stay up-to-date with each of your courses. 

3. Your professors are here to help you. Please let them know as soon as possible if you have any questions about an assignment or if you have any other concerns.

4. For anyone who is having issues with computer and/or Internet access, we will be providing limited computer lab hours on campus: Mondays and Wednesdays from 8 am to 1 pm, and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 pm to 6 pm. To maintain social distancing protocols, these computer lab sessions are open by appointment only. Please email Satara Brown at to schedule a time. Also, you will need to let Satara know which computer program(s) you need to access since there is different software in different computer labs. 

5. We are pleased to announce our math and English tutoring is now available online. Please click on the link the Academic Success Center below to view a full schedule.

6. Finally, you should be receiving a phone call over the next two weeks from an NCC faculty or staff member. We will be checking in to see how you’re doing and to ask if there’s anything we can do to help you through this time of transition. If you should need help before then, please contact your professors with any course questions. For all other questions, please contact Lucy Jenkins,

Take good care of yourselves and we will all get through this by continuing to work together!

All the best,

Robyn Griswold
