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No Home Gym? No Problem!

During this difficult time of social distancing and staying at home to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, it can be tough to get your normal activity and exercise in. Most businesses are either closed or have gone remote, and gyms/fitness centers are no exception. Most of us are used to going to the gym and using the equipment there, whether it be a cardio machine, weighted cable or plate loaded machines, the vast free weights, or any other implements typically only found in a gym. So when we are forced to stay home and cannot access our normal equipment for our normal routine, we can do one of a few things: become restless, anxious, and drive ourselves (and maybe even loved ones at home) crazy because we aren’t sure what to do, or get lazy and do nothing, losing any progress we’ve made while becoming sore and de-trained.

OR, we can compromise and work with what we have at home and still get a killer workout in! You may not have much, if at all, for “traditional” workout equipment, and that is OK! There are so many things that most of us have at home all around us that can be tools for our temporary “new normal” workout routine while we wait for gyms and fitness centers to open back up when this all passes. This is also a GREAT time and opportunity to get started on a new fitness routine and get into a healthy and active lifestyle if you have not yet committed to one!

Please see the lists below of some common things you may have at home that can act as different tools and equipment for your “home gym”. These will range from typical at-home exercise implements to your normal everyday items that can transform to become your new gym equipment!

*Also, don’t forget, one of the best things you can have for a home workout is…YOUR OWN BODY! There are so many different exercises you can do with nothing else aside from your own bodyweight so do not be discouraged no matter what you do or do not have available to you.

***To see the lists, and the full article please send me an email at and I will send you an invitation to our new Student Life Canvas course!
I have been working on a Wellness Center module, with all sorts of valuable health and wellness information and resources, including this full article. I will be adding more as time goes on, and please feel free to make suggestions for new additions! Currently, I have info and resources regarding home exercise, nutrition, mental health, and meditation, as well as some COVID-19 resources. This is a challenging and difficult time for us all and I hope that this can help make staying at home just a little bit easier. I hope to hear from you soon; wash your hands, stay home, and stay well!

Alex Wunderlich,
Director of Wellness Center and Intramural Activities
