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Rediscovering the Simple Things

When's the last time you sat down with a good book? I mean a really, really good book. One that you sat reading for hours, unable to put it down. Everyone's talking about being productive or focusing on self-care during this time. Most of us do have extra time, but it's okay not to want to spend it learning a new skill, building a business, or even doing much of anything. It’s hard not to spend it getting sucked into binging Netflix shows and scrolling on social media. Although neither one of these things is necessarily bad, when it’s all you’re doing, it starts to get pretty toxic for your mental health. What if instead of trying to focus on being productive, or finding ourselves, what if we just decided to go back to the basics? What if we went back in time a little bit (well maybe a lot) to that point in life when we couldn't wait for mom or dad to read us our favorite story? What if we could rediscover the innocent passion, zest, and love for life that we used to have as kids?

Not everyone loves reading, and I completely understand that. Books were everything for me as a kid. If that wasn't you, that's okay! Try to think back to before technology took over your life, and remember that thing you did that you loved. DO THAT THING. 

If you were really into books as a kid, but it faded or dwindled as you got older, ask yourself why? Then start small. Grab an audiobook or a short novel that you know you'll enjoy. Find that love again.

There are so many great books out there for every genre you could think of, and if you aren’t an avid reader, most great books have audiobooks that you can find online for a reasonable price. There are also memberships available to websites like Audible, and Book Of The Month that will help you find, and gain discounted access to so many different books.

I encourage all of you to sit down and get into a good book. You’ll be surprised at how refreshing it is!

Kati Huntting
Student Editor

My Quarantine Book List:

The Searcher - Simon Toyne
The Fellowship of the Ring - J.R.R Tolkein
The Screwtape Letters - C.S. Lewis
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte


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